One time setup

System-wide setup

You need to install ruby and some packages to build native extensions. As you’d expect, you need root permission to do that.

Amazon Linux 2’s yum has a pretty old Ruby version available. You can enable a more recent one via amazon-linux-extras.

sudo amazon-linux-extras enable ruby2.6
sudo yum install ruby-devel gcc gcc-c++ zlib-devel

Note: those are the minimum packages I needed to get my blog going, which has a very minimal setup. You might need more if your setup is more complex.

Per-user setup (ie: in your user account)

Install the jekyll and bundler gems.
Also, ensure bundler installs gems under your user.

gem install jekyll bundler
bundle config path ~/.gem

Per-blog setup

You can specify the output path in your blog’s _config.yaml. Jekyll will deploy the blog there. It will obliterate any files on the output path that are not part of your blog (see the big red warning in the docs).

In my case, I found reasonable to use ~/public_html/blog as destination and let my current web server config pick it up from there.

As I’m not serving it from the root, I also set the baseurl attribute to match.

destination: ~/public_html/blog
baseurl: blog/


Run bundle exec jekyll build to publish.